Welcome to Nectar Drops!
This blog is still very much in its infancy and I welcome those who may be reading this to return to it every now and then and see what else has been added.
The intention of this blog is to become a resource for all who are looking for drops of nectar coming from the Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition. Pay close attention to the toolbar on the right-hand side of the blog for that toolbar will having a growing list of pages that are categorized carefully and include quotes from specific books as well as specific spiritual teachers and acaryas.
Bhakti yoga, the path of devotion to God/Krishna, offers a seemingly infinite number of texts and commentaries that inspire and guide the practitioner towards a more meaningful understanding of and relationship with Krishna. This site seeks to offer snapshots of such commentaries and resources where you can drink deep the nectar of those drops that are most alluring to you.
When it comes to posts on this blog-that is where the "modern commentators" referred to in the blog's description come in. Many of those who practice bhakti yoga are deeply thoughtful and analytical about the sastras (Vedic texts) and the details of which the acaryas speak of regarding the process that leads to complete love and surrender to Krishna. Guest posts will be published that will provide thought-provoking, illuminating and sometimes controversial commentary. Your thoughts towards their content are always appreciated and encouraged!
Thank you for stopping by!
Hare Krishna!
Jaya Srila Prabhupada!
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